Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Seat Belt Shoulder Harness Installation

It's been a while since I've posted, but I have been busy building.  In my last post I created the turtle deck and then an access hole, complete with a removable cover.  I was walking by my project one day and did a double take. At that moment, I realized I had forgotten that my should harness was probably going to need to come through the F6 bulkhead right where I made my removable cover. I think I might have muttered something Homer Simpson would say, "D'oh!"

Anyway, I was bound determined to make it work. And I think the results are quite good. The first thing I did was beef up the F10 bulkhead so that I could make it my anchor point for my harness. In the photos below, you can see that I mounted a cable through the beefed up F10 bulkhead. This cable then runs forward to an eye bolt mounted to the upper fuselage skin under the turtle deck so it is hidden from sight.

I added a piece of stainless steel to stiffen the upper skin where the eye bolt is mounted.
My shoulder harness is then attached to this eye bolt. I then sat in the cockpit and figured out where the straps of the harness would exit through the cover by making a cardboard replica of my cover.
I like how everything turned out.
I have also been working on my vertical fin.  I have all the pieces made and I will begin assembling them soon.



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